VOLUME I (182 pages)
1 The Church and Its Parts
2 The Altar
3 Pictures, Curtains and Church Ornaments
4 The Bells
5 Cemeteries and Other Sacred and Religious Places
6 The Dedication of the Church
7 The Dedication of the Altar
8 Consecrations and Unctions
9 The Sacraments of the Church
VOLUME II (190 pages)
Preface to Volume Two
Translator’s Introduction to Volume Two
1 Author’s Preface to Book Two
2 The Cantor
3 The Psalmist
4 The Usher
5 The Lector
6 The Exorcist
7 The Acolyte
8 The Subdeacon
9 The Deacon
10 The Priest
11 The Bishop
1 Author’s Preface to Book Three
2 The Amice
3 The Alb
4 The Cincture or Girdle
5 The Stole
6 The Maniple
7 The Chasuble
8 The Buskins and Sandals
9 The Under Girdle and Veil
10 The Tunic
11 The Dalmatic
12 The Gloves
13 The Mitre
14 The Ring
15 The Pastoral Staff
16 The Sudarium
17 The Pallium
18 The Four Colours of Church Vestments
19 The Vestments of the Old Law of the Old Testament
VOLUME III (518 pages)
Preface to Volume Three
Translator’s Introduction to Volume Three
1. Author’s Preface to Book Four
2 The Five Psalms Said Before Celebrating the Holy Mysteries
3 The Celebrant Combs his Hair and Washes his Hands
4 The Consecration and Aspersion of Holy Water
5 The Office or the Introit of the Mass
6 Priest and Pontiff Arriving at the Altar and the Procession
7 The Confession Required At Mass
8 The Blessing of the Incense and the Filling of the Censor
9 The Priest Kisses the Altar and the Book
10 The Thurification
11 How Bishop, Priest and Ministers Stand at the Altar
12 The Kyrie Eleison
13 The Gloria in Excelsis
14 The Salutation to the People
15 The Collect
16 The Epistle
17 The Reverence after Reading the Epistle
18 The Pontiff or Priest Sits
19 The Gradual
20 The Alleluia
21 The Tract
22 The Prose or Sequence
23 The Change of Place of the Priest
24 The Gospel
25 The Symbol or Creed
26 The Preaching
27 Second Part of the Mass, from the Offertory
28 The Ablution of Hands
29 The Palls and Corporals
30 The Oblation of the Priest
31 The Second Thurification
32 The Priest Bows, Kisses the Altar and Prays
33 The Preface to the Canon
34 The Sanctus
35 The Secret, or the Canon of the Mass
36 The First Part of the Canon
37 The Second Part of the Canon
38 The Third Part of the Canon
39 The Fourth Part of the Canon
40 The Fifth Part of the Canon
41 The Sixth Part of the Canon
42 The Seventh Part of the Canon
43 The Eighth Part of the Canon
44 The Ninth Part of the Canon
45 The Tenth Part of the Canon
46 The Eleventh Part of the Canon
47 The Sunday Prayer or the Lord’s Prayer
48 The Explanation of the Lord's Prayer
49 Third Part of the Mass, from Silence after the Lord’s Prayer
50 The Uncovering of the Paten
51 The Fraction of the Host
52 The Agnus Dei
53 The Kiss of Peace
54 Fourth Part of the Mass, from the Communion of the Priest
55 The Ablution
56 The Post Communion
57 The Last Prayer, and the ‘Go, the Mass is said’
58 Why the Priest Kisses the Pontiff's Shoulder
59 The Final Blessing
VOLUME IV (180 pages)
Preface to Volume Four
Translator’s Introduction to Volume Four
1. Preface to Book Five
2 What the Office is, Its Institution and its Parts
3 The Night Offices
4 Matins and Lauds
5 Prime
6 Terce
7 Sext
8 None
9 Vespers
10 Compline
VOLUME V (752 pages)
Preface to Volume Five
Translator’s Introduction to Volume Five
1 Preface to Book Six
2 The Time of Advent
3 The First Sunday of Advent
4 The Second Sunday of Advent
5 The Third Sunday of Advent
6 The Wednesday and Fasts of the Ember Days
7 Other Fasts
8 The Office of Wednesday of the Advent Ember Days
9 The Friday of the Advent Ember Days
10 The Saturday of the Advent Ember Days
11 The Fourth Sunday of Advent
12 The Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord
13 The Christmas Office
14 The Sunday in the Christmas Octave
15 The Feast of the Circumcision
16 The Feast of the Epiphany
17 The Octave of the Epiphany
18 The First Sunday after Epiphany
19 The Second Sunday after Epiphany
20 The Third Sunday after Epiphany
21 The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
22 The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
23 The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
24 The Sunday of Septuagesima
25 The Office of Septuagesima
26 Of Sexagesima
27 Of Quinquagesima
28 Ash Wednesday or the Principle of Fasts
29 The Thursday following Ash Wednesday
30 The Friday following Ash Wednesday
31 The Saturday following Ash Wednesday
32 The First Sunday of Lent
33 The Monday following the First Sunday of Lent
34 The Tuesday following the First Sunday of Lent
35 The Wednesday following the First Sunday of Lent
36 The Thursday following the First Sunday of Lent
37 The Friday following the First Sunday of Lent
38 The Saturday following the First Sunday of Lent
39 The Second Sunday of Lent
40 The Monday following the Second Sunday of Lent
41 The Tuesday following the Second Sunday of Lent
42 The Wednesday following the Second Sunday of Lent
43 The Thursday following the Second Sunday of Lent
44 The Friday following the Second Sunday of Lent
45 The Saturday following the Second Sunday of Lent
46 The Third Sunday of Lent
47 The Monday following the Third Sunday of Lent
48 The Tuesday following the Third Sunday of Lent
49 The Wednesday following the Third Sunday of Lent
50 The Thursday following the Third Sunday of Lent
51 The Friday following the Third Sunday of Lent
52 The Saturday following the Third Sunday of Lent
53 The Fourth Sunday of Lent
54 The Monday following the Fourth Sunday of Lent
55 The Tuesday following the Fourth Sunday of Lent
56 The Wednesday following the Fourth Sunday of Lent
57 The Thursday following the Fourth Sunday of Lent
58 The Friday following the Fourth Sunday of Lent
59 The Saturday following the Fourth Sunday of Lent
60 The Fifth Sunday of Lent or Passion Sunday
61 The Monday following Passion Sunday
62 The Tuesday following Passion Sunday
63 The Wednesday following Passion Sunday
64 The Thursday following Passion Sunday
65 The Friday following Passion Sunday
66 The Saturday following Passion Sunday
67 The Sixth Sunday of Lent or Palm Sunday
68 The Monday of Holy Week
69 The Tuesday of Holy Week
70 The Wednesday of Holy Week
71 The Thursday of Holy Week
72 The Same Thursday of Holy Week
73 The Office of the Day of Holy Thursday
74 The Same Thursday of the Lord’s Supper
75 The Office of the Mass of Holy Thursday
76 The Stripping of the Altar
77 Holy Friday, Good Friday or Parasceve
78 Holy Saturday
79 By Who, How, and Why the Wax Lambs are Made
80 The Blessing of the Paschal Candle
81 The Lessons and Tracts
82 The Blessing of the Fonts or Baptism
83 Of Baptism
84 Of Confirmation
85 The Mass of Holy Saturday
86 Easter Day
87 The Night Office of the Easter Festival
88 The Easter Day Office
89 The Seven Days after Easter
90 Easter Monday
91 Easter Tuesday
92 Easter Wednesday
93 Easter Thursday
94 Easter Friday
95 Saturday in Albis
96 Another Explanation of the Seven Days
97 The First Sunday after Easter
98 The Second Sunday after Easter
99 The Third Sunday after Easter
100 The Fourth Sunday after Easter
101 Rogation Sunday
102 The Rogations
103 The Eve or Vigil of the Ascension
104 The Festival of the Ascension
105 The Sunday after the Ascension
106 The Vigil of Pentecost
107 The Holy Day of Pentecost
108 The Monday after Pentecost
109 The Tuesday after Pentecost
110 The Wednesday after Pentecost
111 The Thursday after Pentecost
112 The Friday after Pentecost
113 The Saturday after Pentecost
114 Holy Trinity Sunday
115 The First Sunday after Pentecost
116 The Second Sunday after Pentecost
117 The Third Sunday after Pentecost
118 The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
119 The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
120 The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
121 The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
122 The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
123 The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
124 The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
125 The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
126 The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
127 The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
128 The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
129 The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
130 The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
131 The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
132 The Wednesday of the September Ember Days
133 The Friday of the September Ember Days
134 The Saturday of the September Ember Days
135 The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
136 The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
137 The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
138 The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
139 The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
140 The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
141 The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
142 The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
143 The Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
VOLUME VI (276 pages)
Preface to Volume Six
Translators Introduction to Volume Six
1. Preface to Book Seven
2 Saints Fabien and Sebastian
3 Saint Agnes
4 The Conversion of Saint Paul
5 Saint Julien
6 The Blessed Agatha
7 The Purification of Saint Mary
8 The Chair of Saint Peter
9 The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary
10 Saints Apostles Philip and James
11 The Finding of the Holy Cross
12 The Apparition of Saint Michael
13 Saints Gervase and Protase
14 Saint John the Baptist
15 Saints Peter and Paul
16 The Seven Brothers
17 Saint James
18 The Seven Sleepers
19 The Feast of Saint Peter’s Chains
20 The Maccabees
21 The Finding of the Body of Saint Stephen
22 The Transfiguration of the Lord
23 Saint Lawrence
24 The Assumption of the Glorious Virgin Mary
25 Saint Bartholomew, Apostle
26 The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
27 Saints Felix and Audactus
28 The Nativity of Blessed Mary
29 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
30 The Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
31 Saint Maurice and His Companions
32 The Feast of Saint Luke, Evangelist
33 The Feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude
34 The Feast of All Saints
35 The Office of the Dead
36 The Four-Crowned, Martyrs
37 The Blessed Martin, Bishop and Confessor
38 The Blessed Andrew, Apostle
39 The Blessed Nicholas
40 The Venerable Bede, Priest
41 Saint Thomas, Apostle
42 Saints Stephen, John the Evangelist, and the Holy Innocents
43 The Apostles
44 The Evangelists
45 The Martyrs
46 The Confessors
47 The Virgins
48 The Festival and Office of the Dedication of a Church
1 Computation, the Calendar, and What Relates to Them
2 Part One, the Solar Year
3 What the Solar Year is
4 Part Two, Beginning with the Month
5 Of the Week
6 Of the Day
7 What the Lunar Year is and the Days it Contains
8 The Regular Lunar Numbers
9 The Epact
10 The Embolism
11 The Golden Number
12 The Easter Term
13 The Cycle
14 The Conclusion of the Work
VOLUME VII (164 pages)
The Indices
List of books, chapters and page numbers
Summaries of the nearly 3,000 paragraphs